We Are All In This Together

Outlaws, thank you so much for your support and well wishes during these uncertain times…we are demonstrating daily that we are all in this together as we work in our own ways to make everything better.
It is with excitement, optimism, hope and faith in our eventual triumph that I am choosing to approach this challenge.
While the studio is closed for the foreseeable future, we will be LIVE streaming classes regularly – check out our most recent class on our Facebook page. Please like, follow and SHARE it online and invite your friends and family remotely!
Just do NOT come to the studio!
We’re not going anywhere. This will pass and we will be stronger and better for it. And we’ll make it through TOGETHER.
‘Together’ is just gonna look a little different for a little while…
Invite challenge and innovation and space for consideration…what if all of this was just an opportunity for reinvention? For learning, which, if it is to be real and at all valuable is NEVER easy? For a convenient respite from the hustle and bustle of the world?
Convenient because NO ONE will be critical of you for joining our 7 day online yoga challenge, signing up for our 5 day meditation retreat (April 1-5)…or for taking a bath…hell, for having a drink.
Hold each other close. Take great care. Be kind and remember our worry is often more worrisome than the actual, EVENTUAL outcome…
Stay tuned for updates as everything unfolds – make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter, and that you like and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the most up to date information, self-care tips, recipes, inspiration, and more…
In the meantime keep practicing. We will be providing tools to help you with your home practice during this time including:
The Outlaw Yoga Club – for exclusive yoga classes, posture breakdown videos, breath work, meditations, podcasts and more… For a limited time get your founding membership for only $9.99/month, or if you are a studio member your subscription is included.
Our YouTube channel has over 55+ free content videos, and more are added every week!
We’ll be hosting some pop-up live streamed classes/offerings in our Facebook group for monthly studio members. If you’re a member please join the exclusive group with content that we are only sharing with our members. Find it HERE.
FREE live streamed classes on the main OYL Facebook Page.
If there are any other ways we can serve – please shoot us an email. We’d love to hear your ideas!
We’re grateful for every student and member that has walked through our doors over the last 5 years. We couldn’t have made it this far without you!
We are here for you and will be going to great lengths to make sure you have the yoga practice and studio community you need to continue to stay healthy and present.
Buy and eat plenty of fresh veggies – there’s NEVER a grocery run on kale!
Grateful for you ALL!
Justin “Jud” Kaliszewski is an artist, adventurer, and the renowned creator of OUTLAW Yoga. Best-selling author of “The Outlaw Protocol – how to live as an outlaw without becoming a criminal,” and the children’s picture book “The Adventures of Babu – from there to here,” he creates connection by delivering transformational yoga-experiences across the country, and at the Outlaw Yoga Littleton studio. Take his class NOW at www.outlawyogaclub.com and find his writing and art at www.justinkaliszewski.com.