The Power of Female Friendships

I would never have considered myself someone who had strong female friendships growing up. In fact, there was always something that left me feeling a bit of an outsider when it came to my female peers. Because of this I have worked intentionally in my adult life to cultivate meaningful relationships with women around me. Women who I have called on during tough times, laughed with, cried with and learned from. Cultivating meaningful relationships does not have to take years, in fact, you can experience true love, fulfillment and connection with other women in just one evening.
What do you have to do? Just be willing to show up.
There is something dare I say “magical” about being able to show up even just for one evening, not as a mother, employee, business owner, or any other title, but just as a woman.
This month the New Moon Women’s Circle launches at Outlaw Yoga Littleton and gathering together with other women may be just what you need in life. Here are some of the ways that spending time with other women can enrich your life.
Sign up today – HERE
You can learn from those who have lived through your season of life.
Hormones, pregnancy, cycles, body image and all the unique seasons of life that we as women face can feel downright overwhelming at times, but someone else has been there before you. When we gather together we are able to talk openly about our struggles, both physical and emotional, we are given the opportunity to pass down wisdom (or to gather wisdom) from women around us.
We are stronger together.
Movements like women’s suffrage and #metoo were only possible because women got together and shared. They were transparent about their experiences and realized the common bond. One voice turned into many and women were able to impact the world around them for the better.
Now, you may not be trying to start a social movement, but sharing our common stories breaks down the lie that we are experiencing this life alone. Sharing stories will enrich and strengthen other women around you by illuminating the fact that we are walking through this life together.
It’s a practice of self love.
Women have been gathering together since ancient times in Red Tents, moon circles and over hearths. This time is a practice of self love because it allows us to step away from the world and our responsibilities for a short while to recoup, laugh, share and grow.
We are able to look inward and soak up all the goodness that genuine community has to offer.
These type of rituals are carried now into modern times with gatherings like the Outlaw Women’s Circle. I invite you to come just as you are. A woman. Ready to share, laugh, grow and go back into the world stronger and with a full heart.
Make the bold choice to connect with the other women in your community – this month we will be discussing how to overcome self-doubt. Click HERE to sign up!
Rachel Parnell is an empowering Outlaw Yoga teacher. Take her weekly classes at the Outlaw Yoga Littleton Studio, or online on the Outlaw Yoga Club. She is also hosting the monthly New Moon Women’s Circle – it will be associated with the new moon of every month, and we will discuss various topics related to femininity in the modern world – stay tuned for the topic of the month on our Facebook page. Follow her on Instagram @racheljacquelyn.