Some Social-Media, Shit…

After watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix and hearing the former President of Pinterest stone-faced predict that our country is heading towards civil war largely as a result of social media, I decided to really fucking carefully consider the role I’d like social media to have in my life…
I’d tried a few practices around self-policing my social media use in the past, including screen-fasting (screen-free a certain day of the week; or, a whole week at a time, from time to time)…
…I moved all of my social media apps into a folder on my phone that I titled “Crap” so at least I know what I’m getting myself into when I go ahead and still go into them…
…but one of the newest (and arguably most interesting) practices that I’ve put into play that has paid some immediate dividends has been committing to not using social media until after I’ve had my morning poo…none of that shit, before I shit, as it were…
As regular as the midnight train from Barstow, I have my morning constitution at a set-your-watch predictable 9am…magically, that’s local time no matter where I happen to be or how much time I’ve been there…
This particular tool was inspired by another line in the movie where some high-level guy from some mind-manipulating company asks matter of factly, ‘Do you check social media before you pee, or while you pee? Because I know it’s one or the other…’
Before I pee. I was forced to admit.
Of course I considered hopping right on social media to post that everyone should watch this insightful movie, and am now following through with a post about it.
Irony is not lost on me…I just don’t care about it. Social media is a tool, and it’s only going to get more prevalent. Hammers don’t hit thumbs, people errantly hit their own thumbs with hammers…
Utilize the tools of the day, let’s just not become too enslaved by them.
I do, after all, wake up and start using…caffeine…sugar…exercise…food…before noon I can treat nearly every experience in my life like a drug, really…using it, or letting it use me.
But just like I’ve found a real power by simply putting the leftover half-joint in a drawer, or not going to the grocery store while I’m on a fast, there are some simple tools that can help us take some power back.
Waiting till after my morning movement has created a sense of success that seems to carry throughout my day – I’ve noticed that if I can just resist the first urge I have greater success in experiencing fewer urges overall…
I’m sure there are some former-smokers out there that could share with us some wisdom there.
Below are a few more tools. If you have some more for Gods-sakes leave them in the comments and help each other off the shit already…my necks starting to itch…and hunch…and hurt…
- Dare to delete the apps…you can still have an account, just use them on your desktop
- Turn off notifications…you can still check on the account, just on your own terms
- Follow some people you don’t agree with…this expands the algorithm currently manipulating what you see and what you don’t
- Turn your device O-F-F once in a while…airplane it and/or leave it another room especially when you’re sleeping or eating
- Try waiting till after your movement…or, only using it while you’re on the toilet
Good luck, Yogis!
Justin “Jud” Kaliszewski is the best-selling yoga teacher and renowned creator of Outlaw Yoga. Author. Artist. Adventurer. Though his studio is currently closed per state order, you can still take his class NOW at and Find his writing and art at and his presence all over the internet – for an outlaw, he’s shockingly easy to get ahold of.